Resources Promoting Family-Friendly Policies
Don't stop with just our toolkit, here are a few articles, websites, data tools and policy resources that can help:
Are Family-Friendly Workplace Practices Worth Their Money? Forbes
Businesses Have a Critical Role in Supporting Public Investments in Child Care a fact sheet provided by the National Women’s Law Center
How to Improve Work/Life Balance for Employees provided by Business and Legal Resources in the HR Daily Advisor
Promoting Family-Friendly Policies in Business and Government A landscape analysis provided by the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce and First 5 LA
The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Family-Friendly Workplace Toolkit
Six Key Laws for Parents tool provided by The California Work & Families Coalition
Families and Work Institute is a non-profit center for research that provides data to inform decision-making on the changing workplace, family and community.
Work and Family Research Network (WFRN) The WFRN is an international membership organization of interdisciplinary work and family researchers. Their goal is to locate and generate reliable information about work and family that is of value to researchers, human resource professionals, policy advocates, and caregivers.
Status of Women in the States by the Institute for Women Policy Research The Status of Women in the States provides data on women’s progress in 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the United States overall. The data can be used to raise awareness, improve policies, and promote women’s equality.
Legal Aid at Work offers free information online, including more than 100 fact sheets about specific areas of law, mostly related to employment including information on pregnancy discrimination, pregnancy accommodations, and pregnancy disability leave.
Pregnant at Work This website was created as a project of the Pregnancy Accommodation Working Group, an initiative of the Center for WorkLife Law at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
Parenting in the Workplace Institute is a resource for companies to access best practices and guidelines for starting a babies-at-work program.
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) A membership association that provides access to member-exclusive sample policies, legal and compliance resources, HR news, etc. SHRM can be an important tool to stay abreast of emerging workplace issues, critical news, trends and analysis.
Sample Family Friendly Workplace Policies provided by The Healthy Mothers Workplace Coalition
San Francisco Breastfeeding Promotion Coalition Lactation Accommodation Kit
Supporting Caregivers in the Workplace: A Practical Guide for Employers provided by AARP Family Caregiving
CDPH Worksite Wellness Resource Guide This resource guide is designed as a one-stop resource for employers interested in optimizing the cost-effectiveness of worksite wellness and health promotion endeavors.
Bright Beginnings an Early Childhood Development Initiative a vision of the Monterey County Children’s Council Bright Beginnings is working with local chambers of commerce to recognize businesses demonstrating best practices.
If you are currently looking for child care or resources relating to child care, please check out SLO County's Child Care Resource Connection or call (805) 541-2272.
Family-Friendly Workplaces In the News